You need to know who you are in Christ Jesus to live a successful Christian life. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17   that; “Therefore; if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold; all things have become new” (NKJV). Your behavior will reflect your God given identity when you agree with Him (God) about your identity in Christ. Remember that; its only the opinion of God that counts; therefore; learn to see yourself as God sees you and don’t do things to please your fellow humans. Also; your identity doesn’t depend on what you do or what you have or what you don’t have ; your true identity is who you are in Christ. A summary of Psalm 139 indicates that “even before we were woven together in our mother’s womb; His eyes saw our unformed bodies and our days were written in His book.”. Hence to know your really identity; you have to be in Christ.

If you are Christ Jesus; you are accepted and you become His child. The gospel according to saint John 1:21 says ” Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”. (NIV). What is more fun in this world than to be called a child of God or what is more important than being His child. When you are in Christ, you become a new creation,  as a result of your acceptance of Christ as your Lord and personal savoir; you are now identified with Him by faith; hence you become His friend. Jesus Christ said in saint John’s gospel 15:15 that; “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you”. (NIV).

When you are in Christ Jesus; you discover that; you not only a child of God but you are also secured; free from condemnation and assured that; God works for your own good in all circumstances. Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans chapter 8:1 says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”.(NIV) and the verse 28 of this same chapter also says that; “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”.(NKJV).

Before I end ; i will like you to ask yourself this simple question;WHO ARE YOU IN CHRIST? Yes this is a simply questions which as unlimited number of answers. Some may say that they are children of God; others may also say that; they are secured because they are established; anointed sealed or hidden by God. Also while some people may say that they are significant because they are a branch of Jesus Christ; the true vine and a channel of His life; others on the other hand don’t even know about Christ and to talk of who they are in Him. My dear readers I will like you to ponder about who you are in Christ and ask yourself whether the life you are living is acceptable Him.

The bible serves as our textbook for living a successful and victorious life in Christ Jesus……


A lot of people go through life with just a few number of friends. Some people on the other hand don’t have anyone to call a friend; they have no one on whom they can call on in times of good or bad.There is no one with whom to share ideas about something or to talk about deep and disturbing or troubling issues. Obviously everyone has his or her own type or kind of person he or she wants to make friends with; however the question we fail or we never ask ourselves is who really our true friends are? As the saying goes ” a friend in need is a friend indeed” .This old saying has been in existence for a long time; maybe before I was even born. An explanation to proverb means that; a true friend is one who helps you out in times of trouble; unlike others who disappear when trouble arises. Now lets come the question “who is the true friend”?

There is no dearth person in this world but finding a true friend is really difficult. Lots of people will boast that; they have hundreds of friends but how many are willing to offer a hand to help you when trouble comes. True friends will always remain no matter the circumstances but opportunists who call themselves your friends will only be around when you are physically, financially and mentally sound. Friends keeping on changing. How many friends stay in touch with changes in places. You have friends in your primary school but you forget about them and make new friends when you leave and move to secondary.Likewise when you leave school or college and start work u forget your old friends and make new friends at your work place; remember that all this years; its only few friends that stay in touch. Most of the we make friends with some purpose and its obvious this friendship will never last since it tends to end the moment both parties get what they want. However, when you make friendship without purpose and your liking and dislikings match each other, chances are that this friendship will last long. True friendship needs sacrifice; compromises and helping attitude towards each other. Friendship is other form of love. It is in no terms less than love. If you have true friendship you will love your friend more than any other thing in this world but this world is materialistic so first test and evaluate than go ahead with friendship. People are really lucky who find good friends…

Racism in the 21st Century

Racism continues to persist in the 21st century. Racism, in one form or another, has existed throughout history. The belief that one’s race is inherently superior to another has been used as an excuse by many to oppress others deemed to be different in some ways. Although various polls indicate that our society is becoming tolerant of each other in general; the issue of racism still continues in this 21st century…..

Everyone, in one way or another is a racist. Everyone is a bigot. Racism is natural and in all of us.Though racism is natural; it is however not born. Dennis Leary an American actor; comedian; writer and director said “Racism isn’t born, folks, it’s taught.  I have a two-year-old son.  You know what he hates?  Naps!  End of list”. Lets consider this; at a very young age; everyone is taught that; their nation or country is better than their neighbors; their religion is better than other religions, their local sports team is better than the other teams and then we wonder why racism still exist. In fact everyone is a racist whether it is against race; sports; religion; class or in many millions ways.Furthermore; the level of racism varies greatly for every person. However; not everyone is willing to admit it.

I will end by saying that; the fight against racism is an immediate and urgent challenge to everyone. To meet this challenge; we must be willing to undertake a new level of collective ideological struggle to fight against racism.

I hate racial discrimination most intensely and all its manifestations. I have fought all my life; I fight now, and will do so until the end of my days. Even although I now happen to be tried by one, whose opinion I hold in high esteem, I detest most violently the set-up that surrounds me here. It makes me feel that I am a Black man in a White man’s court. This should not be I should feel perfectly at ease and at home with the assurance that I am being tried by a fellow South African, who does not regard me as an inferior, entitled to a special type of justice.
Nelson Mandela….


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